ETC567 - Education, Society, and Technology
Global Digital Citizenship Unit
NETS-C 6.a: Engage in continual learning to deepen content and pedagogical knowledge in technology integration and current and emerging technologies necessary to effectively implement the NETS•S and NETS•T
The Global Digital Citizenship Unit I created during ETC 567: Technology Society and education challenged me to explore the digital devices available to enhance learning. The assignment required several elements of digital citizenship to be addressed. These included Equitable Access, Safe, Healthy, Legal and Ethical Use, and Cultural Understanding and Global Awareness. This added a level of complexity to the assignment that demanded smooth technology integration. The files associated with the Global Digital Citizenship Unit are available below.
I approached the assignment with an attitude of exploration and tried to find new ways to use technology. This developed in two ways. Technology with which I was already familiar, I tried to use in new ways. I added to the unit digital tools I had no previous experience. Each unit provided different challenges of using technology that brought forth the significance of the topic
Lesson Plan
Digital Knowledge Test
Lesson Vocabulary
Grading Rubrics
Grant Proposal Site
NETS-C6.b: Engage in continuous learning to deepen professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions in organizational change and leadership, project management, and adult learning to improve professional practice
In the third Module, we completed a Grant Proposal Site. The request for proposal asked for an innovative technology advancement that built on an existing strategic plan for a school district. We were required to work together as a team using digital communication tools. For this project I was the Innovation and Change Agent and responsible for the Innovation and Change tab. Click here to access our Grant Proposal Site, Success in the 21st Century.
My team relied on Skype video conferencing to discuss our grant proposal. We made plans through live discussion on Skype and used instant message to share links and files. We communicated in between our Skype video conferences through email. The resulting website displays our ability to affect organizational change and provide leadership in a community and school.
Digital Devices
NETS-C6.c. Regularly evaluate and reflect on their professional practice and dispositions to improve and strengthen their ability to effectively model and facilitate technology-enhanced learning experiences
I chose the Digital Devices page to highlight my work in NETS-C 6.c, not because I find it to be a particularly impressive final product. It was, however, my first go at using Google sites. It is the first webpage (other than a blog) that I have created. It was truly a toe-in-the-water type of experiences in using a fully technological learning platform. Click here to view the iPad page.
The Apple iPad was the digital device I chose to research. The iPad broke the barrier between touch screens as a mildly functional novelty and an at your fingers reality. The potential educational power in the iPad, I think, has not been fully tapped. This assignment provided me with a means to look more into this device that I find interesting and start branching out into other learning delivery systems.